The office and showroom will re-open on the 11th January 2024. Please phone Johan on 083 2618778, if you have any inquiries.

SIM- Sanlam Investment Management

Artevia Polished Concrete with a non-slip finish was specified by the architect to achieve both a functional requirement and add a particular look and feel to the inner courtyard of the building.

The architect wanted to give this courtyard a natural appearance by the use of trees and requiring a natural product as floor finish. To move away from the uniformity of using the same type of floor finish everywhere, the architect decided on different colours of Artevia Concrete and then added concrete infills to cross at angles.

Our company was also given the task and challenge to manufacture the precast items and plant containers for the trees in the courtyard.

This courtyard is fully exposed to the weather, which meant the company had to provide a non-slip finish for the floors without losing the exemplary ground and polished look. To achieve this, we used a specialised diamond brush-finish, which also complemented the natural finish that the architect had in mind for the total project.

We as World of Decorative Concrete, managed to successfully meet all the challenges and tasks set by the architect by using Artevia Polished Concrete in different colours,  natural sandstone as aggregate, providing special non-slip finishes and supplying precast plant containers with the same look and feel as the rest of the products.

By: Johan Coetzee

QS Concrete Grinding & Polishing